Key benefits of The 3e Factor Leadership and Development services are:
"The average person puts only 25% of his energy and ability into his work. The world takes off its hat to those who put in more than 50% of their capacity, and stands on its head for those few and far between souls who devote 100%."
Andrew Carnegie
For more information on our Leadership and Development or other services, please contact us.
LEAP© builds your leaders™ capacity to lead with confidence and become more effective, self-aware and emotionally intelligent. They confirm what their strengths and talents are and understand how to leverage these to drive desired outcomes.
Built around the application of concepts from several thought leaders, LEAP© provides participants with behaviours and tools to deal with transformational change and demonstrate resilience in times of uncertainty.
For further information on our Leadership and Development programs or other services, please contact us,
or read more about the LEAP Program (pdf, 57 kb).
The 3e Factor offers a wide range of Leadership and Development Workshops to assist in creating high performance through improved leadership capabilities. These workshops include:
This workshop introduces the capability needs for the future leader and links these to performance, collaboration, project roles and behavioural styles. This interactive session involves some tough provoking exercises and some facilitated robust dialogue on issues and opportunities for business to move forward.
A workshop that builds on the themes above linking them to culture, change and strategy. The Future Backwards tool is used to describe best and worst possible outcomes and develop strategies to achieve positive outcomes.
This workshop is designed to develop strategic thinking, situational leadership, influencing, how to lead and inspire powerfully, team generation by introducing narrative and other tools. Touches on self-management, developing emotional intelligence, building self-confidence and communication skills.
A workshop that includes key elements of global leadership such as collective intelligence, stepping into the future, strategic thinking, consequential thinking and design and brand awareness.
This workshop summarises the learnings and insights discovered from the other workshops and prioritises the agreed actions in terms of Most Significant Change, Ritualised Descent and Decision games are applied by the group to determine which initiatives will be developed into projects for Phase 3.
For further information on our Workshops and other Leadership and Development programs, please contact us.